Insurance experts in the earthquake zone to assess damage


Insurance experts in the earthquake zone to assess damage

Ahmet Nedim Erdem, Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Insurance Experts Executive Committee (SEİK) and the Turkish Insurance Experts Association (TÜSED), stated that they made every effort to determine the insured’s damages in earthquake damages quickly, fairly and objectively and to forward the reports to DASK and relevant insurance companies so that citizens’ compensation payments were made promptly. Erdem stated in his written statement that as the insurance expert community, they stood by all citizens who suffered damages in the earthquake. Erdem, who stated that they have started field work in the earthquake region as insurance experts in order to heal the wounds of the insured who suffered losses in the Kahramanmaraş earthquake, as in previous earthquakes, and to ensure that the grievances are resolved as soon as possible, noted the following: "For the damage assessment studies in all insurance policies related to DASK and civil or commercial risks offering optional earthquake coverage, our experts who are experts in earthquake damages operating in every region of our country and who are licensed in the relevant branch have arrived in the region. Please do not let our citizens have any concerns regarding the damage assessment process. In earthquake damages that have a special meaning in terms of social solidarity, as insurance experts, we determine the damages of our insured in a fast, fair and objective manner, submit our reports to DASK and the relevant insurance companies and show all the necessary meticulous effort to ensure that the damage compensation payments of our citizens are made promptly. In this context, in order to start the damage assessment process, the insured must first report the damage." Stating that Compulsory Earthquake Insurance damage reports can be made via the "ALO DASK 125 call center", "" website and e-government, Erdem stated that damage reports for civil and commercial insurances that include optional earthquake coverage should be made to the relevant insurance companies (via an agency or call center). Erdem said, "The contact information of insurance experts registered on the register is available on the website of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey at Our citizens who wish to can contact the expert assigned to their damage using this information. On the other hand, it is important to request the presentation of insurance expert ID cards from those who state that they came for damage assessment within the scope of the insurance policy in order to prevent possible grievances."