Market Outlook: Stock Exchange Opens on a Positive Note


Market Outlook: Stock Exchange Opens on a Positive Note

The BIST 100 index started the day with a rise of 64.36 points at 8,779.05 points. According to the survey, it was expected that the BIST 100 index would begin the day with an increase of 8.14 points. The closest estimate in the opening survey of the BIST 100 index was made by Anadolu Yatırım/Sevgül Yırtar Düzgün with 62.0 points. The second closest estimate was made by A1 Capital/Elvan Moğulkoç with 57.71 points. The third closest estimate was made by A1 Capital/Aleyna Edremit with 52.26 points. In today's closing survey, 40 brokerage analysts participated; 27 analysts predicted a positive closure, while 13 expected a negative closure.